The default transactional behavior is auto-commit mode, where each statement is committed as it is sent to the target server. 默认的事务行为是自动提交模式。在该模式下,每个语句在发送到目标服务器时进行提交。
By default, ALL is implicitly assumed, and you can use only one DISTINCT qualifier per SELECT statement. 默认情况下,ALL是隐式指定的,并且每个SELECT语句只可以使用一个DISTINCT限定符。
This is important in Python programs because file input and output are, by default, buffered; data isn't written as soon as you call a print statement but is instead written in chunks. 在Python程序中这很重要,因为在默认情况下,文件输入和输出是缓冲的;在调用print语句时,数据实际未被写入;相反,数据是成批写入的。
A statement like case_is similar to a default clause in a case statement in Java or C++ code. 诸如case这样的声明和Java或C++代码中case语句的默认子句类似。
The default JAAS permission statement has the following format 缺省JAAS许可权语句的格式如下
Do not place your classes in the default package ( the package you get if you don't include a package statement in the class). 不要将类放到默认包中(默认包是指如果未在类中包含一条包语句时系统默认给出的包)。
In this case, it says match anything, kind of like a default statement in the Java language. 在这里,它表示匹配任何东西,这类似于Java语言中的default语句。
In an environment in which many short concurrent transactions occur, by default each COMMIT statement triggers one log buffer flush to disk. 在发生许多较短并发事务的环境中,每条COMMIT语句默认触发对磁盘的一次日志缓冲区刷新(flush)。
In these cases, having some sort of general purpose default statement is very important. 在这种情况下,存在某种能够通用的default语句是非常重要的。
Consider the code above and realize that any enumerated value not specifically processed by a case statement is instead processed by the default statement. 研究以上代码可以看出,任何没有被case语句处理的枚举值都会被default语句处理。
You can change the default statement terminator for all scripts that you create in the editor by specifying the new default statement terminator in ( Window> Preferences). 您可以在(Window>Preferences)中指定新的默认语句结束符,修改编辑器中创建的所有脚本的默认语句结束符。
'Default is not a mere' technical 'condition, but rather a real and painful event that will hurt real people,' said court-appointed mediator Daniel Pollack in a statement late Wednesday. 法院指定的调停人波利亚克(DanielPollack)在周三晚间的一份声明中称,违约不单是一种技术状况,而是一个会冲击人们现实生活的真实、痛苦的事件。
You can choose a default input format, or you can specify the file format on each input statement. 您可以选择缺省输入格式,也可以在每个input语句上指定文件格式。
For example, the default mdx script has a single calculate statement at the beginning of the script. 例如,默认mdx脚本在脚本的开始处有一个calculate语句。
If the name of a default database is supplied, you can connect to the specified database without executing the use statement. 如果提供默认数据库的名称,则不用执行use语句就可以连接到指定的数据库。
If no match occurs, the default statement executes. 若没有发现相符的,就执行default语句。
The common tab, which is selected by default, displays items that are most often used to complete the statement that you are writing. “通用”选项卡默认情况下处于选中状态,显示最常用于完成正在编写的语句的项。
In addition, there are other minor differences, such as the default permission level that is required to start new databases, or the permissions required to execute the checkpoint statement. 此外,还有其它微小差异,例如,启动新数据库所需的缺省权限级别,或执行checkpoint语句所需的权限。
Unlike those in countries of continental law system, the remedy reasons of default judgment provides the rather special statement flaw action. 与大陆法系国家不同的是,缺席判决的救济理由规定了颇具特色的意思表示瑕疵诉讼行为。
When using default result sets, an application can execute any Transact-SQL statement or batch, but it can only have one outstanding statement on a connection. 使用默认结果集时,应用程序可以执行任何transact-sql语句或批处理,但它只允许一个连接中有一个未完成的语句。